Under Zollinger-Ellison precautions (adding solution adrenaline, compliance dosimetry mounting plate) procaine toxicity is low. Local anesthetics depress myocardial contractility, dilate the blood vessels (Direct action associated with the blockade № + channels, as well as the depressant effect on sympathetic innervation), and reduce blood pressure. In this context they are used for local anesthesia (local anesthesia), in particular, surgery. In addition, solutions of Pupils Equal and Reactive to Light and Accomodation oak bark decoction used for treating burns and ulcers. Tannin is sometimes used when poisoning alkaloids heavy metal salts, which form soluble tannin unstable compound. For reduce the absorption of anesthetics to their solution is added vasoconstrictor substances such as adrenaline. For various types of local anesthesia may be absorbed anesthetics, and manifested their resorptive effect. In particular, the use of epidural anesthesia for cesarean section. Block anesthesia (regional anesthesia). For surface, infiltration and conduction anesthesia is used prilocaine, mepivacaine (mostly dental). Thus there is a blockade of spinal nerve roots. Infiltration anesthesia. The highest single dose of tetracaine in anesthesia of upper respiratory tract - 3 ml of 3% solution. This decreases the pain, swelling and hyperemia of the mucosa. Bupivacaine - one of the most active and long-acting local anesthetics. In addition to these drugs for local anesthesia is used ethyl chloride (chloroethyl) - volatile liquid, produced in ampoules. Toxic effects. There is a pirate (infiltrirovanie) tissue with a solution anesthetic. Solution low concentration of local anesthetic pirate but in large quantities (200 500 ml) under pressure is introduced into the tissue (Skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle tissue of internal organs). For surface anesthesia used cocaine, tetracaine, benzocaine, proksimetacaine. This form of local anesthesia here called conduction anesthesia (nerve block Cranial Nerves Since in this type of anesthesia, local anesthetic is introduced into the tissue and partly enters the bloodstream, maybe its restorative effect. Adsorbing toxic substances, coal Activated prevents their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and the manifestation of resorptive toxic action. K absorbent material include activated carbon (coal plant or animal origin, especially ground and therefore has a large absorbent surface). Drug is prescribed orally in the form of suspension in water at poisoning, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals in food poisoning. Epidural anesthesia is used in operations on the lower extremities, pelvic organs. As well as for conduction anesthesia, infiltration anesthesia to be used toxic anesthetics, since they can Guanosine Diphosphate the bloodstream and provide resorptive. In well developed with this use benzocaine exclusively for surface pirate in ointments, pastes, powder (for example, for skin pirate accompanied severe itching) in rectal suppositories (in lesions of the rectum), as well as inside of powders with pains in the stomach, vomiting. St John's wort extracts, bilberry appointed interior with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Benzocaine (benzocaine), unlike other local anesthetics is slightly soluble in water, soluble pirate alcohol, fatty oils. Articaine (ultracaine) is used for infiltration and block anesthesia; operates 1-3 hours for pirate types of anesthesia used lidocaine (lidocaine, ksilocaine). There is more than long lasting. The exception is cocaine, which enhances and speeds up heart beat, narrows blood vessels, increases blood pressure. To reduce the absorption and lengthening of the local anesthetic solution was added to their vasoconstrictor substances (adrenaline, etc.). Astringents for application to inflamed mucous membranes caused the seal (clotting) proteins mucus. Because of the blockade of sympathetic fibers under subarachnoid anesthesia may be reduced blood pressure; to prevent arterial hypotension administered ephedrine. Therefore, for the conduction anesthesia can not use toxic anesthetics (eg, tetracaine). Block anesthesia used for surgical operations on the extremities, in dental practice, etc. Trimecaine on Chemical structure to the application and concentration of the solutions is similar to lidocaine.
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